During the year teaching staff plan a range of suitable excursions and incursions to introduce, develop or reinforce learning experiences for their class.
Incursions are an opportunity for the children to experience high standard performances covering a wide range of learning areas. The children are able to see national, and sometimes international performers including musicians, storytellers, artists and many others at a reasonable cost. Particular attention is given to developing the social skills of the children, as well as their confidence and independence.
Formal written permission is required before any child can be taken on an excursion. Every endeavour is made to space excursions/incursions during the year to avoid costs being too great at any one time. If payment is not received by the due date and a payment plan has not been entered into, students will not participate in that particular excursion/incursion and will join a buddy class on that day.
When paying for incursions, excursions, or other school activities, please pay via direct deposit into the school bank account. Newborough Primary School does not accept cash payments. Money can be paid by online banking (please include your child’s surname and incursion/excursion name as reference). e.g., K Smith Edu-dance.
Our school bank details are:
BSB: 016 350
Account No: 3408 71304