
Respect • Kindness • Teamwork • Challenge Yourself

Parents & Citizens Association at Newborough Primary

Newborough Primary School has an active P&C Association. We aim to connect school families and fund projects, resources and activities that directly benefit students at NPS.

Meetings are held on the Monday of Week 3 and the Wednesday in Week 8 each term, at 7pm in the school library. All parents are welcome to attend.

P&C Committee
President Jodie Prendergast


Vice President James Strom vicepresident@newboroughpc.org.au
Treasurer Andrew Simmonds


Secretary Georgia Bradbury secretary@newboroughpc.org.au
Executive Member Jessica Boyce
Executive Member Andrew McGuckin


Executive Member Laura Haston
Executive Member Chenoa Walsh
P&C Services
Canteen Coordination

Rosters: Georgia Bradbury

Communications: Jodie Prendergast


Uniform Coordinator Leanne Wilson
Netball Tanya Cawthorne Newboroughnetball@gmail.com
Newbros Coordinator Andrew McGuckin newbros@newboroughpc.org.au
Contact Us
Secretary and General Enquiries secretary@newboroughpc.org.au
Newborough Primary School P&C Events Page www.facebook.com/NewboroughPC

Newborough acknowledges the Whadjuk Noongar people as traditional custodians of this boodja (land) and recognises their continuing spiritual connection to country and moort (family). We would like to show respect to Elders past, present and emerging. It is a privilege to waabiny (play), kadadjiny (learn) and to make bunji (friends) on Whadjuk Noongar boodja.

Newborough Primary School - BSB: 016 350 - Account Number: 340871304 - ABN: 18 606 940 077